Dorm Decorating

Dorm Decorating

After moving in yesterday I was so overwhelmed. My previous roommate had moved out the day before so our room looked so empty. There was dust everywhere, and the thought of unpacking made me want to crawl into bed forever. 

Thankfully I had a club meeting an hour after I got to campus so I didn't have too much time to stress about unpacking. As much as I hate unpacking, I love decorating! Growing up my dream was to be an interior designer on HGTV, so needless to say I spent hours watching decorating shows and reading their magazines. 

When I was a senior In high school I started planning for my dorm. How I wanted it to look, what I needed to buy. But then college happened, and my dorm did not get decorated the way I wanted it to (mostly because my roommate had moved in before me). 

Since I have a double single dorm (at least for a couple of weeks) I decided to get to decorating! I bought, and assembled, a new bookcase from Target, hung some new pictures, and moved all the furniture in my room around. Here is the result!:

dorm decorating

What do you guys think? 

Happy Dorming! 



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