All in Writing a College Paper
After publishing the last segment of my series: Writing a College Paper, I decided to turn it into an eBook. I've had such positive feedback on the series so I hope that after downloading the PDF you'll be able to reference it whenever you need help with writing a paper whether it be in college or high school.
This is the easiest and fastest part of the process. Once you have your second draft completed it's time for some peer editing. After the rough draft I suggested you have someone who's in the same course and/or writing a similar kind of paper to peer edit because ...
So you've written your first draft and had someone you trust (with their writing opinions) review it. Now it's time to take a serious look at your paper and make some corrections. Before you do anything really read through the comments that your peer editor gave to you. If they didn't leave a lot then ...
The peer review is always the trickiest part of the writing process. A lot of people don't use the resource of peer review's seriously and therefore don't realize it's full potential. A peer review is one of the best things you can do in your writing process. When you sit down to write something, whether it takes 1 hour, 1 week, or 1 month, you become consumed in it; you start to not notice ...
Welcome to part four of my seven part series! So far we've talked about the initial and extended outline, as well as how to do some research, so today let's talk about your first draft.
You guys must be thinking: an extended outline? really? Yes really! Some people think this step in the writing process is unimportant, or tedious, and would rather jump right into writing their first draft. But trust me, your final paper will look, and sound, so much better if you ...
Welcome to part two of my seven part series on writing a college paper. (if you haven't read the first part you can do so here). So now you've written your outline, and it's time for the research. You're probably either wondering ...
"Your ten page paper on (insert your least favorite, most challenging subject here) is due in 3 weeks"
*que dramatic sound effect*