The last two weeks have been the craziest weeks of my life! Thursday, July 21, I left for a road trip to Disney world with my mom and that side of my family. And at the same time my dad was packing up his house because on August 1st we moved out of the house I called my home for the last four years.
Disney was so much fun! (at least I thought so) A lot had changed since I had gone as a kid: the characters don't walk around like they used to, and it seemed a lot less magical than it did, but I still had an amazing time! I went down with my boyfriend, grandparents, parents, brother, and family friends totaling 12 of us. 10 of us drove down and my grandparents met us down there.
The drive was... tough, but it was worth it. We rented this gorgeous house outside of Orlando and it was so nice being able to cook our own food and have a pool all to ourselves. Monday we went to Magic Kingdom, Wednesday we went to Animal Kingdom and MGM, and Friday we went to Epcot. Epcot is still my favorite place in all of Disney I could walk the countries for hours.
my boyfriend staring at his phone....
Saturday morning my boyfriend and I flew back with my grandparents because I had to help my dad and his wife finish packing and I had to make sure I was home by Monday so I could go to work.
As of August 1st I have moved 21 times in the course of my 19 years. Now, this seems like a lot and it is, but because my parents are separated it isn't nearly as much as it seems like, but it's still crazy that I've lived in more houses than my age.
This was by far the most emotional move for me. This last house was where I lived when I went to high school, met my boyfriend, met some of my best friends, got accepted into college; it's where my little brother was born and raised and where I got my license. A lot of milestones in my life happened in this house. I may not have lived there my whole life, but it feels like I grew up there.
Taking my damask key off my keychain was one of the hardest things I've ever done, but I know that my family will make amazing memories in the new house, and that it's someone else turn to grow up in my house!
How's everyone's summers going?! Have you gone on vacation or moved?