Branding Yourself
My first ever college career day is fast approaching (tonight to be exact) and over the past week I've been researching how to get my resume in tip top shape. An amazing blogger, Whitney Blake, wrote a killer article about how to make your resume amazing. Her biggest tip was branding yourself, regardless of whether you have a blog, small business, or a company. Create a personal brand to help make your resume cohesive as well as accurately represent who you want to be in your professional career.
I decided to loosly model my personal brand after my College LifeStylist brand, using the same color scheme and fonts, but not using my glasses logo.
Some personal information has been removed for the purpose of posting my resume. Including a full phone n umber and home address. You Should include these in your actual resume.
I chose to match color scheme and fonts as well as adapt the same minimalistic style of my blog so that my resume and business cards would be cohesive.
I also chose not to use the resume builder that my business school offers. I did this because I didn't want my resume to look like hundreds of other students. I want to stand out. If you've never had or created a resume before then I definitely recommend using a resume builder, but once you understand the concepts of a basic resume it will be easier to be more creative and create your own.
Sit down, think about your personality and how you want to come across professionally, then translate that into a design. If you're having trouble thinking of a way to "design" your brand, send me an email! I'd be happy to help out anyone who needs some ideas.
Go out there and create your brands!