Mid Week pick-me-ups

Mid Week pick-me-ups

So it's finals week, and it's a lot less stressful than I had imagined. Especially after my horrendously stressful time last week. But in my down time between studying, exam taking, and presenting, I've found some little things that have given me a little joy and excitement for this holiday season. 

I discovered Warby Parker after I had purchased my new Tory Burch frames (which I love and couldn't find a link for). Even though I love my frames, my love for fun quirky glasses is still pretty strong and after I saw the Warby Parker winter collection come out I knew I'd never be happy with just one pair of glasses. I mean come on, eyewear is an accessory too! And one pair of black frames definitely doesn't match every outfit. 

Since I know I'm definitely not affording any new frames any time soon I still wanted to share my favorites from their collection. If you've never heard of this company before then you should know they're the TOMs of glasses! Giving a pair of glasses to someone in need with each pair purchased. 

this post was not sponsored by Warby Parker and is completely my own thoughts

The Smart Girls Group Book Club

Every week, since November 24, on Monday the Smart Girls Group hosts a twitter chat book club meeting to discuss their current book: Becoming the Boss, by Lindsey Pollak. I love this book! And I love this book club! But it's not too late to join. You don't even have to read the book, you just have to be interested in the topic that week. 

So next monday at 8pm (EST) if you want to read, or join in on, our chat follow the #smartbooks.

Opportunities Alert!

If you've been wanting to join the Smart Girls Group, or you think you'd like to be apart of a fabulous group of successful and aspiring women, then there are currently two opportunities open: 1. Smart Media Sisters and 2. Social Media Managers. I am currently involved in both, so if you'd like to know more email me or connect with me on social media and I'll be happy to talk to you about them! The links to the applications for both are on the names above. 

Finally, the biggest thing that caught my eye is Mandy Engelman. Over the weekend I read on Facebook about a little six year old girl who was dying and wanted a lifetime of christmas cards for her gifts this year. I sent one out immediately (and had my friends do it too), but then I got a text from Mandy. In the text she asked me to participate in a holiday challenge that she was posting to her blog on Sunday. The challenge is to fulfill this little girls dream and teach us all that the holidays are not only a time for spending money and monetary gifts. I want to ask each of my readers to go to this post, and as a personal favor to me, send this little girl a Christmas card. Even if you don't celebrate Christmas. Send her a holiday card, a Hanukkah or Kwanzaa card. Anything to brighten her day just a little bit more. You can read more about her story on Mandy's Blog.   

Happy Finals Week Everyone! 



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