
Growing up I've always been super picky. All I would eat was pretty much pasta, chicken nuggets, and coca-cola.  I've grown a little bit since then, but not much. Basically the only thing I've changed about my diet is I've cut soda almost completely out. People are constantly telling me how what I eat is super unhealthy, but I never really paid them any mind until recently. 

I've never been someone who cares too much about there weight or how they look. But last week I stepped on a scale for the first time in almost a year and realized just how much my unhealthy diet has caught up with me. I'm very comfortable sharing where I am, but to avoid making anyone uncomfortable I'm only going to say that my weight has reached an unhealthy point according to my doctors. Even though I don't look or feel obese, I'm not doing my body any good by continually feeding it garbage. 


I've been telling myself a lot recently that, "Ok, today's the day, I'm going to [insert: go to the gym, eat a salad, etc.]". And I haven't. Sooo today I am making a promise to you, my readers that I am going to focus on living a more healthy lifestyle. 

I don't have a goal weight, I'm not looking for a bikini body, I just want to start living a healthier lifestyle. 

College is one of the most important times in a persons life, and living an unhealthy lifestyle can make it not as enjoyable. I'm hoping that getting into a healthier habit will improve my sleep and help me concentrate more. I love being organized but I've been exhausted lately, and I haven't been doing anything! 

It's time to get my lazy but into gear and finally get healthy. And I'm counting on all of you to keep me accountable! I'll be tweeting and instagramming the hashtag #ProjectHealthy follow along or tag me and use the hashtag in your own #ProjectHealthy pics! 



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