All tagged Branding

Branding Yourself

My first ever college career day is fast approaching (tonight to be exact) and over the past week I've been researching how to get my resume in tip top shape. An amazing blogger, Whitney Blake, wrote a killer article about how to make your resume amazing. Her biggest tip was branding yourself, regardless of whether you have a blog, small business, or a company. Create a personal brand to help make your resume cohesive as well as accurately represent who you want to be in your professional career. 

Blogging: the 1st Month

Today marks the official 1 month anniversary of The College LifeStylist, but thats not the only feat of the day. I also reached over 1000 readers today (now up to 1500 and climbing, cue fan-girling.) In honor of my 1-month I want to share with you current or potential bloggers out there how I survived my first month and how I was, in my opinion, successful.