How-To: Study

How-To: Study

If you haven't already figured out what the best way to study is for you, (binders, notebooks, tablets, laptops, etc) then take the time to figure it out here before you keep reading.  Knowing your study style is essential to having a successful school year. It may take time, and some trial and error, but it will greatly change how you view studying when it works and it's, wait for it, actually fun! 

How to Study

Ok, so now that you know what works for you when studying here are my Six Tips to ace your final, and your class of course. 

  1. Study Every Day: you may think your Intro to Psychology class is super easy, especially since you aced psych in high school, but that doesn't mean you don't have to try. Scheduling time everyday, even if it's just 30 minutes, to organize your notes or go over new vocabulary allows you to introduce new topics slowly over time, so you don't have to cram 2 hours before your final. 
  2. Read Ahead: Reading ahead, according to the syllabus, gives you a better idea of what you'll expect to learn in class. Having a little background knowledge allows you to stay focused in class, take better notes, and can give you an idea of what you'll need additional help on. 
  3. Go to Class: it may be tempting to sleep through your 8 o'clock, or to skip your 5:30 to go grab pizza with your friends in town, but going to class is the most important thing you can do to guarantee a good grade. The class may be boring, or you may to actually learn a lot while you're there, but it's a designated time to focus on the classes material and study!  *Also attendance can also play a big part in your final grade. 
  4. Talk to Your Professors: Just introduce yourself. It may seem intimidating at first, but you'll be glad you did. Establishing a relationship with your professor and going to office hours can help you both learn to understand the material better, as well as possibly open opportunities for the future. And having the professor know you by name can certainly help when they're grading for the semester. 
  5. Keep an Archive: Whether it be a study guide that you continuously add to throughout the semester, a binder that you put your older notes into, or a typed outline of the work you've completed, an archive of the semester is the best reference for finals. Having all your notes and documented work in one place allows you to quickly access the information you need when studying, and creating an archive is a form of studying in itself. 
  6. Start or Join a Study Group: Study groups can be great because people could have questions that you hadn't thought of, someone may be able to answer a question you've had, and answering questions can reinstate the information you learned. Collectively going over information and sharing ideas can be a great asset in your quest for an "A".

What are your tips to acing finals?



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